From Local to Global

One of the things we discussed today in class was, at the global scale, encompassing the entire world, geographers tend to see broad patterns. This statement means that a small thing you do in your community can end up affecting the entire world. We discussed the use of solar panels, if everyone started using solar energy a lot of economic and environmental problems would be solved. Global warming would go down and so will the amount of money you have to pay for things such as heaters and power sources. We also discussed the fact that the United States is the third country in the world that produces the most oil and the first country in the world that consumes and imports it. I really didn't know oil was used in so many things, such as power, gas and plastic. It makes me really wonder what would actually happen if it just ran out, everything from plastic production to cars running would be ended. Solar energy can't run out, maybe solar panels are the way to go.


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