Video Notes

  • Cleistenes thought that ordinary people should have freedom
  • Aristocrats controlled everything that happened in Cleistenes's home town
  • Reading and writing was a rare skill for Athenians
  • Life expectancy was less than 50 years
  • Regular citizens had no part or share in anything
  • Argos and Athens were important nations
  • Spartans were always a threat to the rest of the greeks
  • Taught young kids to fight from their earliest days
  • There was a book full of fighting tales composed by Homer
  • All determined to seek victory at all costs
  • Believed that Gods came and claimed Athens, having rule and control over everyone
  • The "goddess" was a regular girl from a neighboring village
  • Athens produced one of the best oils in all greece
  • Traded oils across the sea
  • if you did pottery you were very respected
  • Greece is in the middle of an extraordinary grouping of ancient civilizations
  • eastern Mediterranean was the best market place in the world at the time
  • Athenians discovered the nature of Tyranny
  • when his brother died Hippius wanted revenge
  • The society now had a say, it wasn't only the elite now
  • Cleistenes had to leave the city because of the dictator
  • athenians turned on cleistenes
  • starting voting system, black pebble for yes, white one for no
  • athenian assembly gathered every 9 days to discuss issues


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