A message to Garcia

     The author of "A Message to Garcia" shares his opinion about people that do not follow directions right away and give objections before doing what they're told. Hubbard shares how Rowan, who was given a direction by the president to deliver a message to Garcia across the Sea, did it right away with no complaints. After, Hubbard expressed his opinion about people that are not like Rowan, that before doing what they're told they give excuses and try to get out of the order. He says that these people are lazy and are not going to succeed and be well liked in life. I agree with Hubbard's point of view, today there are people like Rowan who do what they're told with no complaints but there are also people who try to get out of every situaton and give objections. Hubbard was pointing out how people that do not do what they're told are most likely to get fired from jobs and not be liked by others.
    I'm going to do a variety of things to make sure I have a successful freshmen year at John Carroll. The first thing I'm going to do is make sure all my homework is done at night so I'm ready to go in the morning with no worries of catching up. Also, I'm going to make sure I stay organized to prevent loosing homework or any other handouts I need for class. Next, I'm going to make sure I study a lot before tests to make sure I can get the best grades I am capable of getting. Lastly, I'm going to hangout with my friends and have fun a lot to make sure this year is something to remember!


  1. Good description of Hubbard's essay. I agree with you - there have always been lazy people who avoid work. Hopefully our classroom will be filled with "Rowan-types." 49/50 on your essay. I like your Action Plan, except for the fact that you had only four parts in your five part plan! That works out to 40/50 on the Plan grade, for a total of 89/100 on the whole assignment.


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