Cool Facts on Different Countries

In class we discussed a variety of different things about different countries in the world. My cool fact was that Qatar is the second richest country in the world, the first is Liechtenstein with a GDP per capita of 139100. We also learned about the Pastafarians, these are a group of people that believe a flying spaghetti monster is their leader. The message they're trying to send through is that they disagree on the fact that a lot of public schools are based on christianity when there are students of different religions. A cool fact I heard from one of my classmates was that the population of Maryland is greater than the population of the whole country of Ireland. This seems unbelievable because Maryland is just a small state of a whole country and Ireland itself is a whole country, so how can the population be higher here?! Lastly, I also recently found out that there is an island in the Pacific ocean with only 54 people living in it.


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