Test Review

  • crude birth rate- amount of births per 1000 people in a country
  • crude death rate- amount of deaths per 1000 people in a country
  • infant mortality rate- amount of children that don't live past the age of 1
  • life expectancy- how long the people are expected to live in a certain country
  • total fertility rate- amount of children a woman has per country
  • net migration rate- amount of people entering and leaving the country
  • GDP per capita- amount of money a family earns 
  • population growth rate- the rate the population grows at in a country
  • rate of natural increase- how much larger the number of the population gets each year
  • population pyramid- a visual used to represent the amount of people per age group on a certain country
  • push force- a factor that make want people to leave their country
  • pull force- a factor that attracts people to move to a certain country
Pull Force:
People might want to move to Canada because of the great health-care they provide
People might want to move to the U.S for religious freedom
Push Force:
People might want to leave Syria because of the war, making it dangerous to habit
People might want to leave Spain because of the lack of employment


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