Exam Essays

The population pyramids below represent two countries at different stages of the demographic transition and economic development.
Explain the demographic characteristics of each country below with respect to the demographic transition model
Describe potential issues both countries could phase in the future if their population pyramids remain the same.
Describe possible solutions to each's country population concerns. 

Christmas tree, stage 1
Box, Stage 3- Still developing and industrializing

The first population pyramid represents a country that is not yet developed and still very well developing. This country is on a stage 1 in the demographic transition model because it is not yet industrialized. I can tell because of the shape of the population pyramid, the birth rate is high which most likely means women are just having kids and not working or birth control isn't available. An issue this country might have is over population, which can lead to poverty very quickly because of the limited amount of jobs. Also, the more people in the smaller area, the more vulnerable they are to disease. A solution to this country's concerns might be to stop having so many kids and have women go in the work force. Maybe try to find accessibility to birth control. 
The second population pyramid represents a country that is on the verge of being on stage 4 of the demographic transition model. This country is starting to get it's cup shape on the bottom which means the birth rate is decreasing. This country is about to develop and have decreases in population. The issues this country could have are lack of people to do all of the jobs that need to be done, which can lead to having immigrants come in and having to help out with the work. Possible solutions to this problem is to have people migrate to come in and help out or also having more children who can potentially help out with the work. 

Globalization can be understood as the increasing connections of different parts and peoples around the world. Globalization results in the expansion of international cultural, economic and political activities. As people, ideas, knowledge, and goods move more easily around the globe, the experiences around the world become more similar.
Define globalization
discuss the pros and cons of globalization
why do some people view the process as negative?
what do you think about globalization?

Consider our studies of immigration, push and pull forces, our analysis of CIA World Factbook statistics, and the current state of our nation.

Should millions of undocumented immigrants with no criminal record be allowed to live and work in the United States without fear of getting deported?
Should unauthorized immigrants in the United States be allowed to apply for citizenship eventually?
Or, do you believe that undocumented immigrants should be required to leave the United States?

I believe that immigrants with no criminal records should be allowed to live and work in the U.s without the fear of getting deported if they're tax payers. Even though a lot of these immigrants are here illegally and this isn't correct,  if they're hard workers who aren't stealing or cheating for their money but they're hard workers looking for better opportunities, they should be able to settle and start a better life in the U.S without the fear of getting deported. If these immigrants have no criminal record, pay taxes and are all around good citizens and people in the community, they should definitely be allowed to apply for citizenship eventually.  These immigrants are loyal and want to help out the working industry of the country, if what they're doing is not wrong but helpful, they're as citizen as any other American. Undocumented immigrants who aren't tax payers and rely on the government and others to provide homes for them should be required to leave the country.  A lot of these immigrants might be pushed into the U.S due to religious persecution, lack of jobs and poverty. They're coming into the country for a better lifestyle and better job opportunities, if they're willing to work hard for their money and not cause disruption or aggravation to the community, they should be welcome to stay. 


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