Exams and Class Discussions

In class today we reviewed our exam and got our pop quizes back. I did not do good on mine at all and i'm really upset about this. When jokingly asking Mr.Schick to not count the quiz he said something like, "Why should I take away something just because you did bad on it, it's like the rich giving to the poor, it shouldn't happen." He was clearly referring to when on a class discussion I said, and I quote, " I don't think the rich and successful should be taxed greater than the poor and then be obligated to give them some of their salary because some of these people worked extremely hard for their money and for the place they're on right now. While SOME people that are not as successful and wealthy ended up in their position because they're lazy."
It's a fact that there are people in the streets that if they were told the government would provide stable living conditions for them, they would quit whatever they were trying to do and just rely on other hardworking people to get their money. Also, there are people that drop out of school to just do drugs and "hangout with their friends," a lot of these people end up being homeless and poor, because they're obviously lazy. I NEVER SAID "POOR PEOPLE ARE LAZY" I said SOME are, and I didn't really mean it to offend anyone. I obviously know some people are less fortunate because of privilege and they were just born into it and there's nothing they can do. But I also know there are some people that were born into extremely poor families and tried their best in everything they did and are now extremely successful and wealthy. What I said was obviously taken the wrong way and I apologize for any misunderstandings, but I really don't like sitting in a classroom where now I feel targeted and pointed out because of an opinion I gave classes before.


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