reviewing for the exam

Human geography- The branch of geography that deals with the study of people and their communities, cultures, economies, and interactions with the environment by studying their relations with and across space and place.
Human geography focuses on:
How people make places
How we organize space and society
How we interact with eachother
How we make sense of ourselves and others
map is a scale model, is a scale model of the real world.
A map is often the best means for depicting the distribution of human activities or physical features, as well as for thinking about the reasons underlying a certain characteristic or feature. Maps tell us stories about the world.
Reference and Thematic Maps are two tools that geographers use to map the world.
Reference Maps are usually separated into physical and political.
Thematic Maps will tell us "stories" about the distribution of certain geographic phenomena around the world.
The geographic grid- a system of imaginary arcs drawn in a grid pattern on Earth's surface
Meridians- are arcs from the north and south poles (longitude)
Parallels- are arcs drawn parallel to the equator and at right angle to meridians.
A time zone is a region of the globe that observes a uniform standard time for legal, commercial and social purposes.
GPS- Global Positioning system


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