Greece Geography

  • mountainous
  • archipelago
  • sea baring
  • mountains cover 3/4 of the land
  • 2000 islands in the Ionian and Aegan seas
  • many skilled sailors and ship builders
  • also farmers, metalworkers, weaves, patters
  • they had poor/limited natural resources, so they had to trade
  • It was difficult to unite the ancient greeks because of the terrain
  • develop small independent communities (city states) so that's who they were loyal to. 
  • Greece is 50949 square miles
  • Important Things to Identify:
  1. aegan sea
  2. ionian sea
  3. adriatic sea
  4. peloponnesus
  5. athens
  6. sparta
  7. crete
  8. asia minor
  9. macedonia


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