World leader pt 2

Syria- Bashar al-Assad

  • authoritarian regime
  • ordered mass crackdowns and military sieges on Arab protestants, ;eading to the syrian civil war
  • doesn't like his own people
  • committing war crimes and crimes agains humanity
Canada- Justin Trudeau

  • defended Canadian federalism
  • started campaign for winter sports safety
  • one of the youngest prime ministers
United States- Donald Trump

  • buisnessman
  • billionare
  • in charge of part of dad's company when 25
  • worth 3.1 billion dollars
Kenya- Uhuru Kenyatta

  • son of Kenya's first president
  • won election twice
  • accused of rigging election
North Korea- Kim Jong Un

  • ordered to kill his own brother
  • killed his uncle and his whole family and tried to wipe him from existance
  • killed people who supported his uncle
  • national self reliance


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