World Leaders

Mexico- Enrique Pena Nieto

  • approval ratings 28%
  • not very affective
  • personal problems
China- XI Jinping
  • son of communist
  • daughter went to harvard
India- Narendra Modi
  • ruthless
  • heartless
  • ambitious
  • started his career in the KGB
Germany- Angela Merkel
  • 12 years 
  • PHD in quantum chemistry
  • #1 on 2016 Forbes list for 11 years
United Kingdom- Theresa May
  • In charge of all decisions not queen Elizabeth
  • Became in charge when David Cameron resigned 
France- Emmanuel Macron
  • no previous experience in government 
  • Married to a woman who's 24 years older, used to be his high school teacher
Japan- Shinzo Abe
  • Father and Grandfather were polititians
  • Married daughter of previous Prime Minister
Italy- Sergio Mattarella
  • prominent Sicilian family
  • Brother killed by Sicillian Mafia


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