Government in Rome

Res publica- the people's affairs
Brand new republic, ready to run
Democracy (the people's assembly and the tribunes)
Aristocracy (the Senate- approx. 300 members)
Plus monarchy (the consuls)
Not tyranny (a mistake the Romans did not want to repeat)
Government: ancient Rome/ USA-
Originally the US modeled their new government on the model used by the ancient Romans
Is it exactly the same? Not quite...
Both have three branches of government, executive, legislative, and judicial
Both have a legal code
3 branches (1) - Rome/US
Executive Branch in Rome- two consuls, one year terms, each has veto power, controls the military, could appoint a dictator in a crisis for six-month term
Executive Branch in USA:
President (plus VP)
Four year terms
Can veto proposed laws
Commander-in-Chier of the military
Legislative Branch in Rome:
Senate, 300 people, aristocrats, members for life
Assemblies (either Centuriate or Tribal), 193 members (later 373), members for life
Legislative Branch in USA:
Senate, 100 senators (two from each state), six year terms
House of Representatives, 435 members (55 from Cali, MD has 8, AK, DE, MT, ND, SD, WY have 1)
Two year terms
Judicial Branch in Rome:
Praetors (judges)
Chosen by the Centuriate Assembly
One year terms
Judicial Branch in USA:
Supreme Court
Nine members
Lifetime terms
Appointed by the President, confirmed by the Senate
Article Two of the United States Constitution


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