
Showing posts from October, 2017

Why do people migrate?

After passing out candy and going over our test, we discussed why people left their countries to go to others Push forces: civil war environmental degradation unemployment or underemployment religious or ethnic persecution Pull forces: better economic opportunity better health servuces religious freedom political freedom

Measuring Population

Crude birth rate: number of births per 1000 of the population Crude death rate: Number of deaths per 1000 of the population Rate of natural increase (RNI) producted by subtracting the death rate from the birth rate this gives us the annual natural growth rate in percentage form- for a country or region Net migration rate: the difference between the number of persons entering and leaving a country during a year, an excess of persons entering the country is net immigration written as a positive number An excess of people leaving the country is net emigration.  written as a negative number

Population and Settlement

More people than ever!! There are over 7.5 billion people on the planet right now Increasing by 73 million per year approx., 200,000 a day 90% of this population growth takes place in the developing countries of Africa, south and east Asia and Latin America. 1804 is when the world finally hit 1 billion people, in 1927 there were 2 billion, this is only 123 years later. In 1960, 3 billion was reached, only 33 years later!14 years later 4 billion was reached! At this rate the population was going to reach extremely high and difficult numbers. Luckily, the population growth settled and got constant, 13 years later 5 billion was reached, 12 years later 6 billion was reached and another 12 years later, 7 billion was reached in 2011. The population is currently still about 7 billion.

Test Taking

After more candy being handed out, we prepared for our test. We asked and answered any final questions and introduced the shadow. When it came to the time of taking the test, I felt like I reviewed enough material to do a decent job. While filling it out, I was pretty confident, there was only one question I was iffy about and it was the culture question. Other than that i'm pretty confident and I really hope I did good on this test. I'm now really tired and still have one more mod and I don't think i'm going to make it!

Test Constructive Response

Give an example of thinking globally and acting locally. Be specific about proposals, list advantages and disadvantages. An example of thinking globally and acting locally is having one car per family. Although this might come as an inconvenience because more than one person in a family needs to get to a place at the same time, it have be a great effect to the environment. If families only used one car, the amount of car pollution would decrease effectively, causing global warming to also decrease. Car pollution causes global warming because when gases are given off by cars, they are trapped in the atmosphere causing world wide temperatures to rise. Almost all families have at least 2 or 3 cars, this means twice the amount of pollution and gases are given off by cars every day, if families only owned one car these number would reduce and a lot of global warming problems might be resolved.

Test Review

Today in class, we reviewed some things that might come up in our test. These things imcluded, where the prime meridian and equator are located, what lines of lattitude and longitude are on a map and what their purposes are, what people that make maps are called (cartographers) and how some people still use road maps instead of a gps. Also, we talked about how places can be in the same country can be completely different, and some places can be more similar to places in other countries than places in their  own.

Global Warming

After all of the crying and sadness in class, we discussed the effects we have in global warming. If global warming continues at this rate, I think the polar ice caps could melt, leaking a lot of diseases and wasting fresh drinking water. I personally think humans have a lot to do with the fact the earth is getting warmer, from burning things in factories to just driving huge trucks. All of this can cause drastic changes on Earth, not in a couple hundred years but sooner than we all think. To fix this, we can all try to reduce the amount of trucks that are driven, if you don't have anything to cary, buy a small car!

Think Global, Act Local

Local Scale- such as urban neighborhood, geographers tend to see unique features Global Scale- entire world, geographers tend to see broad patters "Think global, act local." Meant that the environment was being harmed by processes such as global warming that were global in scale, but it could be improved by actions, such as  consuming less gasoline, that were local in scale.  Globalization scale- an increasingly important concept in geography because of globalization in scope. Globalization means that the scale of the world is shrinking- not literally in size, but in the ability of a person, object or idea in another place.  The world contains only a handful of individuals who have never watched tv, used a phone or driven a vehicle. Globalization : the process by which businesses or other organizations develop international influence or start operating on an international scale Globalization: the opening of local and nationalistic perspectives to a broader outlo...

From Local to Global

One of the things we discussed today in class was, at the global scale, encompassing the entire world, geographers tend to see broad patterns. This statement means that a small thing you do in your community can end up affecting the entire world. We discussed the use of solar panels, if everyone started using solar energy a lot of economic and environmental problems would be solved. Global warming would go down and so will the amount of money you have to pay for things such as heaters and power sources. We also discussed the fact that the United States is the third country in the world that produces the most oil and the first country in the world that consumes and imports it. I really didn't know oil was used in so many things, such as power, gas and plastic. It makes me really wonder what would actually happen if it just ran out, everything from plastic production to cars running would be ended. Solar energy can't run out, maybe solar panels are the way to go.

Cool Facts on Different Countries

In class we discussed a variety of different things about different countries in the world. My cool fact was that Qatar is the second richest country in the world, the first is Liechtenstein with a GDP per capita of 139100. We also learned about the Pastafarians, these are a group of people that believe a flying spaghetti monster is their leader. The message they're trying to send through is that they disagree on the fact that a lot of public schools are based on christianity when there are students of different religions. A cool fact I heard from one of my classmates was that the population of Maryland is greater than the population of the whole country of Ireland. This seems unbelievable because Maryland is just a small state of a whole country and Ireland itself is a whole country, so how can the population be higher here?! Lastly, I also recently found out that there is an island in the Pacific ocean with only 54 people living in it.

World Rankings

After we took an unexpected pop quiz that I probably didn't do good on, we viewed different countries in the world on a website. We saw what the countries rankings were based on population, migration and growth. We took notes on a map based on the world's biggest and most developed countries, this list was mostly based on population. The top 25 countries were, 1 CHINA 1,379,302,771 JULY 2017 EST. 2 INDIA 1,281,935,911 JULY 2017 EST. 3 UNITED STATES 326,625,791 JULY 2017 EST. 4 INDONESIA 260,580,739 JULY 2017 EST. 5 BRAZIL 207,353,391 JULY 2017 EST. 6 PAKISTAN 204,924,861 JULY 2017 EST. 7 NIGERIA 190,632,261 JULY 2017 EST. 8 BANGLADESH 157,826,578 JULY 2017 EST. 9 RUSSIA 142,257,519 JULY 2017 EST. 10 JAPAN 126,451,398 JULY 2017 EST. 11 MEXICO 124,574,795 JULY 2017 EST. 12 ETHIOPIA 105,350,020 JULY 2017 EST. 13 PHILIPPINES 104,256,076 JULY 2017 EST. 14 EGYPT 97,041,072 JULY 2017 EST. 15 VIETNAM 96,160,163 JULY 2017 EST. 16 CONGO, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE 83,301...

Latitude and Longitude

The geographic grid is a system of imaginary arcs drawn in a grid pattern on Earth's surface. -Meridians are arcs drawn between the North and South poles, each is numbered according to the system known as longitude -Values range from 0 degrees (prime meridian) to 180 degrees east or west longitude -Parallels are arcs drawn parallel to the equator and at right angles to meridians, each is numbered according to a system known as latitude. -Values range from 0 degrees (equator) to 90 degrees north or south Parallels- Latitude 1 degree: 60 minutes 23.5 degrees north: tropic of Cancer 0 degrees: equator 23.5 degrees south: tropic of Capricorn 66.5 degrees north: arctic circle 66.5 degrees south: antarctic circle Meridians - Longitude (not equidistant from each other) intercept at north and south poles 0 degrees: prime meridian

Time Zone Discussion

In today's class we discussed a fairly interesting topic. We discussed weather or not the whole earth should have the same time zone. I personally think that this would be more convenient but it would also be going against science. Scientifically the morning starts a couple of hours before the sun rises, and the sun doesn't rise at the same time around the world. The terms A.M and P.M would have to be dropped because they wouldn't be accurate in all places of the world. It would keep everyone in more track of times globally and when traveling to different time zones nobody would gain or loose hours of their day. This brings me to the second term we discussed which is the question of the present. Thinking about it, there is no present. Everything is in either the near past or near future. When putting a lot of thought into these topics, your mind starts to hurt.

School uniforms

Today in class we discussed the uniform issues some students have. We discussed how girls get a lot less privileges than boys when it comes to what you can wear to school. Girls have to wear their skirts all four seasons, not matter the weather, while the uniform changes for guys when winter comes. I personally like the uniforms but it would be nicer of we could wear things like jackets and sweatpants. After, Mr. Schick showed us what his ideal school uniform would look like, when first looking at it I was kind of creeped out but then it actually looked like a good idea! 

Regions and the cultural landscape

Region: An area of earth defined by one or more distinctive characteristics Cultural Landscape: Definition: The combination of both physical and human characteristics that uniquely define places and areas -An area fashioned from nature by a cultural group. Types of regions: -Several neighboring countries that share important features, -the localities within a country After taking these notes we discussed how regions can be very similar based on their political views and beliefs. California and Maryland are very similar when it comes to politics, even though these states are thousands of miles away.